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Triple B FM is a community radio station based in the Barossa Valley.


On 18th April 1996 Barossa Broadcasting Board Inc. was incorporated (Registered No: A0022917E) as the result of two community consultative meetings organised by Barossa Regional Economic Development Authority because of community inquiries to establish a community radio station for the Barossa Region. A Board of Management was formed and 32 Major Sponsorship packages from local business and community organisations was undertaken to finance the estimated $80,000 required to establish operations with all new facilities and equipment.

A most positive reaction resulted in sufficient Major Sponsorship Packages being received to progress planning to an operation stage by October 1996. Negotiations were then completed to accommodate studios and administrative services from the Tanunda Railway Station premises with transmitting services being provided from dedicated equipment at Mt Kaiser Stuhl, within direct view of the Tanunda studio site.

Triple Bfm commenced broadcasting with its first trial broadcast on 14th December 1996 with regular broadcasts commencing on each Saturday from 25th January 1997 and week-end broadcasts commencing on 29th March 1997. Triple Bfm's first main objective was the broadcasting of a week-end programme format that suited the current licensing arrangements available from the Australian Broadcasting Authority for broadcasting as an aspirant community radio station. This activity allowed Triple Bfm, to train and improve presentation skills to facilitate the eventual progression to full time operations. At the commencement of broadcasting it was anticipated that the move to a full time license might take up to three years to achieve.

As the result of legislative changes to the Broadcasting Act in 1997, Triple Bfm was be able to commence full time broadcasting on December 5th 1997, one year after commencement of operations.

Triple Bfm was initially granted a frequency of 91.9MHz and because of interference with regional television audio signals the Australian Broadcasting Authority issued a new frequency of 101.5 MHz that coincided with the commencement of week-end broadcasts on 29th March 1997. The frequency has since been altered to 89.1
